Where do you study?
Hochschule für Musik Hanns Eisler Berlin
Member of other orchestras or institutions: European Union Youth Orchestra (EUYO)
What do you like to do when you are not playing music?
In my free time, I love to paint or cook. It makes me feel at ease with myself.
At what age did you start playing your instrument?
When I was 7 years old.
What was the most exciting concert you ever performed?
It’s very difficult for me to choose “my favourite x” … I think every situation has its own special moment. But perhaps one of the most beautiful concerts was when I played for the first time with the WEDO
(West-Eastern Divan Orchestra).
What was the most awkward moment in your career?
I am a person to whom many embarrassing situations happen…I’m used to these situations. The last one was arriving late for a concert, and the whole orchestra was waiting for me.
What is your favourite piece of classical music?
I have mentioned before that I am not a person to have a “favourite thing”… But this year, I listened to Mahler’s 2nd Symphony, and it left me speechless. It was magical.
How did the last two Corona years influence your musical development?
I feel that we have all had a “break”, musically speaking… no concerts, no chamber music. We are musicians because we have beautiful things to say to the world, experiences to share… It has been a difficult time for all of us.
Which famous person would you like to have dinner with (from the past or the present)?
Natalia Lafourcade